Over 200,000 Stores Now Accept Payment via QR PH Code

Over 200,000 Stores Now Accept Payment via QR PH Code

Mobile app users of InstaPay partners can now enjoy the ease and convenience of paying for their purchases by simply scanning the QR Ph code at more stores and other businesses nationwide, numbering over 200,000. These stores represent a 566-percent increase over the 30,000 QR Ph-enabled stores when payment to QR Ph merchants was launched three months ago on October 12, 2021.

The QR Ph acceptance points span a vast range of big and small businesses from boutiques, beauty and wellness salons, coffee shops, and specialty stores to department stores, restaurants, and supermarkets. They include brands like Jollibee, McDonalds, AllDay Supermarket, Abenson’s, Chowking, Gaisano, National Bookstore, Caltex, Petron, Mercury Drug Store, Ever Department Store, Coffee Project, and Belo Medical Group. Their QR Ph code service providers are AllBank, Asia United Bank (AUB), BDO Unibank, Cebuana Lhuillier Bank, Metrobank, Paymaya, RCBC, Starpay, USSC Money Services, and Union Bank.

The InstaPay partners that offer this service through their mobile banking apps are All Bank, AUB, Cebuana Lhuillier Bank, China Bank, Land Bank, Pay Maya, RCBC, Union Bank, and non-bank e-wallet issuers Starpay, TayoCash, and USSC Money Services.

QR Ph is the national QR code standard of the Philippines. It interconnects different QR codes in the country, making payments more convenient and more secure for both business owners and their customers.

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